Experimentation platform of internet of things for energy management and usages in buildings

With more than 150 nodes deployed in Inria laboratory buildings (Lannion and Rennes), the SmartSense platform allows to gather numerous data on building energy consumption and usages. Those data allows several application, in particular data mining, non-intrusive load monitoring, or processing sensor data.
Each node contains 15 sensors: VGA, infrared, radio spectrum, audio, inertial unit, humidity, pressure, temperature, light (red, green, blue, whute, UVA, UVB), centimetric distance radar, CO2 and VOC.
Inria Industry meeting 2017
Bioblitz 2021 – University campus of Beaulieu (Rennes)

First experimentation of outdoor SmartSense nodes! These tests were done as part of Bioblitz 2021 in the university campus of Beaulieu at Rennes (France) the 25th and 26th of september 2021. We got data acquisition during a weekend of the natural environment activity in the Croix Verte site. The aim…
ENSSAT Open House Day with SmartSense

The engineering school, ENSSAT, spotlights SmartSense in its Open House Day. An online 3D visit is proposed with videos about research and school projects in all departments. SmartSense is presented this year by Mickaël Le Gentil, engineer in Cairn and Granit teams of the Irisa laboratory. Links: http://blog.enssat.fr/2020/11/smartsense-une-importante-collecte-de.html https://www.enssat.plateforme360.fr/ https://youtu.be/toDKbquc-2Q